



APTA Directors



Code Of Ethics




Privacy Policy




technical-analysts-professionals-australia Nov2023.png

Fees and Subscriptions

A membership application may be downloaded from the following link (please click).

<aside> <img src="/icons/save_blue.svg" alt="/icons/save_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Download a membership application here



The cost of membership is currently $130 pa and student membership is $65 pa (adjusted on a pro rata basis if you join mid year).

Upon application to become a member, the applicant must pay to the association an entrance fee determined by the committee. At the moment, there is no entrance fee.

The applicant must pay the fees to the association upon application.

Nominees may be sourced by the committee, on behalf of the applicant, if he/she is not known by any current members.

Types of Membership

Members of the association shall consist of professional members, associate members, foundation members and life members, pursuant to these rules.

(a)    Professional Members.

The committee may appoint as a professional member of the association any person who meets the requirements of Professional Membership.

(b)    Associate Members.

The committee may appoint as an associate member of the association any person who meets the requirements of Associate Membership. Associate members will have no voting rights.

(c)    Foundation Members.

The committee may appoint as a foundation member of the association any member who was accepted as a member at the associations inaugural meeting and any so appointed shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership enjoyed by a professional member upon payment of annual subscriptions.

(d)    Life Members.

The committee may appoint as a life member of the association any member who has in its opinion made a valuable or significant contribution to the association and any life member so appointed shall be entitled for life to all the privileges of membership enjoyed by a professional member without payment of annual subscriptions.  No life member shall be appointed within the first five years from incorporation.